Halloween ([hælə'win], [hælo'win]) adalah tradisi perayaan malam tanggal 31 Oktober di negara-negara berpenutur bahasa Inggris, dilakukan anak-anak berpakaian aneh yang berkeliling dari pintu ke pintu rumah tetangga meminta permen atau coklat dengan berkata "Trick or treat!" Ucapan "Trick or treat!" merupakan semacam "ancaman" yang berarti "Beri kami (permen) atau kami jahili." Anak zaman sekarang biasanya tidak lagi menjahili rumah orang yang tidak memberi apa-apa. Sebagian anak-anak masih menjahili rumah orang yang dianggap pelit dengan cara "menghiasi" pohon yang ada di depan rumah dengan kertas toilet atau menulisi jendela dengan sabun.
Halloween biasanya identik dengan setan, tukang sihir, hantu Goblin dan makhluk-makhluk menyeramkan lain dari kebudayaan Barat. Halloween disambut dengan menghias rumah dan pusat perbelanjaan dengan simbol-simbol Halloween.
Halloween berasal dari kata Hallowe'en yang merupakan kependekan dari All Hallow's Eve (malam sebelum hari raya All Hallow). Hari raya agama Katolik bernama Hari Raya Semua Orang Kudus (All Saints Holy Day) yang dirayakan 1 November pernah dikenal sebagai All Hallows' Day yang merupakan penyingkatan dari All Hallowed Souls. Dalam bahasa Inggris, kata Hallowed (holy) berarti Orang Kudus.
Hari Raya Semua Orang Kudus ditentukan misionaris Kristen bertepatan dengan hari raya pagan dengan alasan ingin orang pagan mempercayai agama Kristen. Hari Para Arwah (Day of the Dead) yang merayakan kedatangan arwah sanak keluarga dan kerabat kembali ke bumi sampai sekarang masih diperingati di beberapa negara seperti di Brazil, Meksiko, dan Filipina.
Halloween berasal dari orang Celt di Irlandia, Britania dan Perancis sebagai tradisi paganisme perayaan musim panen. Di abad ke-19, orang Irlandia dan Skotlandia membawanya ke Amerika Utara.
Simbol Halloween lekat dengan keadaan musim gugur dan karakter-karakter komersial dan menyeramkan hasil rekaan pembuat film Amerika dan ahli desain grafis. Simbol Halloween biasanya dekat dengan kematian, keajaiban, dan monster-monster dari dunia mitos. Karakter yang sering dikaitkan dengan Halloween misalnya karakter setan dan iblis dalam kebudayaan Barat, manusia labu, makhluk angkasa luar, tukang sihir, kelelawar, burung hantu, burung gagak, burung bangkai, rumah hantu, kucing hitam, laba-laba, goblin, zombie, mumi, tengkorak, dan manusia serigala. Di Amerika Serikat, simbol Halloween biasanya dekat dengan tokoh dalam film klasik mulai dari Drakula dan monster Frankenstein.
Hitam dan oranye dianggap sebagai warna tradisional Halloween, walaupun sekarang banyak juga barang-barang Halloween yang berwarna ungu, hijau dan merah.
Labu yang merupakan hasil panen musim gugur di belahan bumi beriklim sejuk sering dijadikan simbol Halloween, begitu pula orang-orangan sawah sebagai penjaga hasil panen.
Simbol Halloween yang dimengerti secara universal adalah labu yang diukir membentuk wajah "menyeramkan" yang diberi nama Jack-o'-lantern. Agar kelihatan lebih seram, lentera Jack-o'-lantern biasanya diletakkan di tempat gelap, karena di dalam labu diletakkan lilin menyala atau lampu.
Di Amerika Serikat, lentera Jack-o'-lantern sering diletakkan di depan pintu masuk rumah sesudah hari mulai gelap. Tradisi membuat lentera Jack-o'-lantern berasal dari Amerika Utara yang banyak menghasilkan labu berukuran besar yang mudah diukir.
Makanan Halloween
Di belahan bumi beriklim sejuk, perayaan Halloween berlangsung di musim apel sehingga Candy Apple atau caramel apple (apel yang dicelup ke dalam cairan gula) terkenal sebagai makanan Halloween.
Bagi anak-anak di Amerika, Halloween berarti kesempatan memakai kostum Halloween dan mendapatkan permen, sedangkan bagi orang dewasa adalah kesempatan berpesta kostum. Bagi pedagang eceran di Amerika, Halloween berada di urutan kedua di bawah hari Natal sebagai perayaan yang paling yang menguntungkan.
Sejarah topeng dan kostum Halloween sebelum tahun 1900 di Amerika atau di tempat lain masih sedikit yang diketahui karena keterbatasan sumber primer. Kostum Halloween yang diproduksi massal belum terlihat di toko-toko hingga tahun 1950-an, walaupun topeng Halloween sudah ada lebih dulu.
Di tahun 2005, asosiasi produsen permen Amerika melaporkan 80% orang dewasa berencana membagi-bagikan permen kepada anak-anak yang datang, sedangkan 93% anak-anak ingin berkeliling dari pintu ke pintu rumah tetangga di malam Halloween.
Kota Anoka di negara bagian Minnesota mengklaim diri sebagai "ibu kota Halloween" dan merayakannya dengan pawai besar-besaran. Kota Salem di Massachusetts yang terkenal dengan legenda tukang sihir dari Salem biasanya didatangi lebih banyak wisatawan menjelang perayaan Halloween.
Kota New York mengadakan pawai perayaan Halloween terbesar di Amerika Serikat yang disebut The Village Halloween Parade. Pawai yang dirintis pembuat topeng di Greenwich Village New York sekarang menarik perhatian 2 juta peserta dan pengunjung, sekaligus ditonton 4 juta pemirsa televisi.
Dia pesulap termuda di agen “Magic Time” namun paling berpengalaman di antara rekannya. Mulai bergabung di situ sejak umur 11 tahun, bakatnya terus berkembang hingga dalam usia remaja telah mahir bermain aneka jenis sulap. Dia mulai mengenal sulap ketika di kelas 4 SD belajar dari teman sekolahnya, lalu tekun mempelajari teori sulap dan berlatih mempraktikkannya. Orangtuanya mendukung penuh bidang yang digelutinya ini; termasuk mengijinkannya pindah ke Seoul meninggalkan daerah asalnya Gangneung untuk lebih mendalami ilmu sulap di agen tempatnya bekerja saat ini.
Di bulan Juni lalu, Jeong Dong-gil mengadakan sebuah konser sulap atas namanya sendiri di daerah asalnya Gangneung untuk pertama kalinya. Selama satu setengah jam, dia tampilkan kemahirannya selaras dengan musik pengiring dan juga interaksinya dengan penonton. Dia pada awalnya mengaku kuatir dan gugup karena di tengah penonton terdapat para kolega pesulap, keluarga, kerabat dan teman-temannya. Dia terbeban oleh perasaan jangan-jangan akan mengecewakan orang-orang yang menaruh kepercayaan kepadanya. Namun begitu pertunjukan dimulai dan musik mengalun, Dong-gil menjadi lebih santai. Semua berjalan lancer, pertunjukan itu sukses besar dan orangtuanya sangat bangga kepadanya.
Beberapa penghargaan awal yang telah diterimanya adalah sebagai Penampil Terbaik pada Kompetisi Sulap Internasional di Jepang dan penghargaan “pesulap paling ambisius” pada Festival Sulap Hi Seoul. Dari pengalaman itu, Dong-gil tahu bahwa dia tidak hanya harus bersaing dengan para pesulap yang lain; tetapi juga menjadi paham bahwa jalan masih panjang menuju tercapainya puncak pengalaman dan kemahiran sulapnya. Dia sadar masih harus banyak belajar dan berlatih; dan dia juga bergelut dengan sesi latihan yang melelahkan selama liburan sekolahnya.
Jeong Dong-gil menyukai jenis sulap yang membutuhkan banyak gerakan; karena bagi dia dan bagi sebagian besar penonton, sulap ialah penyajian sebuah pertunjukan. Dia menilai pernampilannya dari jumlah tepuk tangan yang diterimanya. Setiap pertunjukan selesai dan penontong mulai beranjak pergi, dia selalu tampak sedih karena sebenarnya dia masih punya banyak jenis sulap yang bisa dipertontonkan. Dia bermimpi jadi pesulap paling top di negerinya, Korea. selain itu juga ingin bisa tampil di panggung sulap terbesar di dunia, yaitu Las Vegas. Ketika usianya 20 tahun nanti, dia akan memiliki pengalaman 10 tahun sebagai pesulap. Nantinya, penampilan terbaik Dong-gil bukan pada jenis permainan sulap kartu, tapi kemampuannya menguasai panggung dan penonton. Bagi seorang anak berumur 16 tahun seperti dia, sulap adalah ‘tipuan yang menyenangkan’ baginya. Dia tampaknya ditakdirkan menjadi ‘penipu’ nomer satu.
Harry Houdini was born into a Jewish family in Budapest, Hungary. His given name is found spelled differently in different sources, and his birth date is uncertain. However, years after his death, a copy of his birth certificate was found and published in The Houdini Birth Research Committee's Report (1972). According to that original source, he was born on March 24, 1874 as Erich Weisz. Houdini himself spelled his name Ehrich Weiss, as can be seen from this letter to his mother. But his family name is ethnic-German, would be "White" in English, and can be written Weiß. The "ß" is a ligature originally for "sz" but now more often rendered "ss", making the "Weisz" and "Weiss" spellings functionally interchangeable. As to his birth date, from 1900 onwards, Houdini claimed in interviews to have been born in Appleton, Wisconsin, on April 6, 1874.
Houdini's father, Mayer (Mayo) Samuel Weiss (1829-1892), also known as Samuel Mayer Weisz, was a rabbi; his mother was Cecilia Steiner (1841-1913). Ehrich had six siblings: Herman M. Weiss (half-brother) (1863-1885); Nathan J. Weiss (1870-1927); Gottfried William Weiss (1872-1925); Theodore Weiss (Dash) (1876-1945); [1] Leopold D. Weiss (1879-1962); and Gladys Carrie Weiss (1882-?).
He immigrated with his family to the United States on July 3, 1878, at the age of four on the SS Fresia with his mother (who was pregnant) and his four brothers. Houdini's name was listed as Ehrich Weiss.[2] Friends called him "Ehrie" or "Harry".
At first, they lived in Appleton, where his father served as rabbi of the Zion Reform Jewish Congregation. In 1880, the family was living on Appleton Street.[3] On June 6, 1882, Rabbi Weiss became an American citizen. After losing his tenure, he moved to New York City with Ehrich in 1887. They lived in a boarding house on East 79th Street. Rabbi Weiss later was joined by the rest of the family once he found more permanent housing. As a child, Ehrich took several jobs, then became a champion cross country runner. He made his public debut as a 10-year-old trapeze artist, calling himself, "Ehrich, the prince of the air."
Magic career
In 1893, Weiss became a professional magician and began calling himself "Harry Houdini" because he was heavily influenced by French magician Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin, and his friend Jack Hayman told him that in French, adding an "i" to Houdin would mean "like Houdin" the great magician. In later life, Houdini would claim that the first part of his new name, Harry, was a homage to Harry Kellar, whom Houdini admired a great deal. However, it's more likely Harry derived naturally from his nickname "Ehrie."
Initially, his magic career resulted in little success. He performed in Dime Museums and sideshows, and even doubled as "the Wild Man" at a circus. Houdini initially focused on traditional card tricks. At one point, he billed himself as the "King of Cards." But he soon began experimenting with escape acts. In 1893, while performing with his brother "Dash" in Coney Island as "The Brothers Houdini," Harry met and married fellow performer Wilhelmina Beatrice (Bess) Rahner. Bess replaced Dash in the act, which became known as "The Houdinis." For the rest of Houdini's performing career, Bess would work as his stage assistant.
"My Two Sweethearts". Houdini with his wife and mother, ca. 1907.
Harry Houdini's "big break" came in 1899 when he met manager Martin Beck. Impressed by Houdini's handcuffs act, Beck advised him to concentrate on escape acts and booked him on the Orpheum vaudeville circuit. Within months, he was performing at the top vaudeville houses in the country. In 1900, Beck arranged for Houdini to tour Europe.
Houdini was a sensation in Europe, where he became widely known as "The Handcuff King." He toured England, Scotland, the Netherlands, Germany, France, and Russia. In each city, Houdini would challenge local police to restrain him with shackles and lock him in their jails. In many of these challenge escapes, Houdini would first be stripped nude and searched. In Moscow, Houdini escaped from a Siberian prison transport van. Houdini publicly stated that, had he been unable to free himself, he would have had to travel to Siberia, where the only key was kept. In Cologne, he sued a police officer, Werner Graff, who claimed he made his escapes via bribery.[4] Houdini won the case when he opened the judge's safe (he would later say the judge had forgotten to lock it). With his newfound wealth and success, Houdini purchased a dress said to have been made for Queen Victoria. He then arranged a grand reception where he presented his mother in the dress to all their relatives. Houdini said it was the happiest day of his life. In 1904, Houdini returned to the U.S. and purchased a house for $25,000, a brownstone at 278 W. 113th Street in Harlem, New York.[5] The house still stands today.
Poster promoting Houdini taking up the challenge of escaping an "extra strong and large traveling basket".
From 1907 and throughout the 1910s, Houdini performed with great success in the United States. He would free himself from jails, handcuffs, chains, ropes, and straitjackets, often while hanging from a rope in plain sight of street audiences. Because of imitators and a dwindling audience, on January 25, 1908, Houdini put his "handcuff act" behind him and began escaping from a locked, water-filled milk can. The possibility of failure and death thrilled his audiences. Houdini also expanded his challenge escape act -- in which he invited the public to devise contraptions to hold him -- to included nailed packing crates (sometimes lowered into the water), riveted boilers, wet-sheets, mailbags, and even the belly of a whale that washed ashore in Boston. At one point, brewers challenged Houdini to escape from his Milk Can after they filled it with beer. Many of these challenges were prearranged with local merchants in what is certainly one of the first uses of mass tie-in marketing. Rather than promote the idea that he was assisted by spirits, as did the Davenport Brothers and others, Houdini's advertisements showed him making his escapes via dematerializing[6], although Houdini himself never claimed to have supernatural powers.
In 1912, Houdini introduced perhaps his most famous act, the Chinese Water Torture Cell, in which he was suspended upside-down in a locked glass-and-steel cabinet full to overflowing with water. The act required that Houdini hold his breath for more than three minutes. Houdini performed the escape for the rest of his career. Despite two Hollywood movies depicting Houdini dying in the Torture Cell, the escape had nothing to do with his demise.
Houdini explained some of his tricks in books written for the magic brotherhood throughout his career. In Handcuff Secrets (1909), he revealed how many locks and handcuffs could be opened with properly applied force, others with shoestrings. Other times, he carried concealed lockpicks or keys, being able to regurgitate small keys at will. When tied down in ropes or straitjackets, he gained wiggle room by enlarging his shoulders and chest, moving his arms slightly away from his body, and then dislocating his shoulders. His straitjacket escape was originally performed behind curtains, with him popping out free at the end. However, Houdini's brother, who was also an escape artist billing himself as Theodore Hardeen, after being accused of having someone sneak in and let him out and being challenged to escape without the curtain, discovered that audiences were more impressed and entertained when the curtains were eliminated so they could watch him struggle to get out. They both performed straitjacket escapes dangling upside-down from the roof of a building for publicity on more than one occasion. It is said that Hardeen once handed out bills for his show while Houdini was doing his suspended straitjacket escape; Houdini became upset because people thought it was Hardeen up there escaping, not Houdini. Many people imitate some of Houdini's tricks to this day.
For the majority of his career, Houdini performed his act as a headliner in vaudeville. For many years, he was the highest-paid performer in American vaudeville. One of Houdini's most notable non-escape stage illusions was performed at New York's Hippodrome Theater when he vanished a full-grown elephant (with its trainer) from a stage, beneath which was a swimming pool. In 1923, Houdini became president of Martinka & Co., America's oldest magic company. The business is still in operation today. He also served as President of the Society of American Magicians (aka S.A.M.) from 1917 until his death in 1926. In the final years of his life (1925/26), Houdini launched his own full-evening show, which he billed as "3 Shows in One: Magic, Escapes, and Fraud Mediums Exposed."
Notable escapes
In 1904, the London Daily Mirror newspaper challenged Houdini to escape from a special handcuff that it claimed had taken a Birmingham locksmith five years to make. Houdini accepted the challenge for March 17 during a matinee performance at London's Hippodrome theater. It was reported that 4000 people and more than 100 journalists turned out for the much-hyped event. The escape attempt dragged on for over an hour, during which Houdini emerged from his "ghost house" (a small screen used to conceal the method of his escape) several times. On one occasion, he asked if the cuff could be removed so he could take off his coat. The Mirror representative, Frank Parker, refused, saying Houdini could gain an advantage if he saw how the cuff was unlocked. Houdini promptly took out a pen-knife and used it to cut his coat from his body. 56 minutes later, Houdini's wife appeared on stage and gave him a kiss. It is believed that in her mouth was the key to unlock the special handcuff. Houdini then went back behind the curtain.After an hour and ten minutes, Houdini emerged free. As he was paraded on the shoulders of the cheering crowd, he broke down and wept. Houdini later said it was the most difficult escape of his career. [citation needed]
After Houdini's death, his friend, Will Goldstone, published in his book, Sensational Tales of Mystery Men, that Houdini was bested that day and appealed to his wife, Bess, for help. Goldstone goes on to claim that Bess begged the key from the Mirror representative, then slipped it to Houdini in a glass of water.
Goldstone offered no proof of his account, and many modern biographers have found evidence (notably in the custom design of the handcuff itself) that the entire Mirror challenge was pre-arranged by Houdini and the newspaper, and that his long struggle to escape was pure showmanship.[7]
The Milk Can
In 1908, Houdini introduced his original invention, the Milk Can escape. [citation needed] In this effect, Houdini would be handcuffed and sealed inside an over-sized Milk Can filled with water and make his escape behind a curtain. As part of the effect, Houdini would invite members of the audience to hold their breath along with him while he was inside the can. The audience held their breath for about 30 seconds, and then gasped for air as Houdini was still escaping. [citation needed] Advertised with dramatic posters that proclaimed "Failure Means A Drowning Death," the escape proved to be a sensation. [citation needed] Houdini soon modified the escape to include the Milk Can being locked inside a wooden chest. Houdini only performed the Milk Can escape as a regular part of his act for four years, but it remains one of the effects most associated with the escape artist. Houdini's brother, Theodore Hardeen, continued to perform the Milk Can (and the wooden chest variation) into the 1940s.
The Chinese Water Torture Cell
Due to the vast amounts of imitators of his Milk Can escape, in 1911, Houdini replaced the Milk Can with his most famous escape: The Chinese Water Torture Cell. In this escape, Houdini's feet would be locked in stocks, and he'd be lowered upside down into a tank filled with water. The mahogany and metal cell featured a glass front, through which audiences could clearly see Houdini. The stocks would be locked to the top of the cell, and a curtain would conceal his escape. In the earliest version of the Torture Cell, a metal cage was lowered into the cell, and Houdini was enclosed inside that. While making the escape more difficult (the cage prevented Houdini from turning), the cage bars also offered protection should the glass front break.
The original cell was built in England, where Houdini first performed the escape for an audience of one person as part of a one-act play he called "Houdini Upside Down." This was so he could copyright the effect and have grounds to sue imitators (which he did). While the escape was advertised as "The Chinese Water Torture Cell" or "The Water Torture Cell," Houdini always referred to it as "the Upside Down" or "USD." The first public performance of the USD was at the Circus Busch in Berlin, Germany, on September 21, 1912. Houdini continued to perform the escape until his death in 1926. Despite two Hollywood movies depicting Houdini dying in the Torture Cell, the escape had nothing to do with his demise.[8]
Suspended straitjacket escape
One of Houdini's most popular publicity stunts was to have himself strapped into a regulation straitjacket and suspended by his ankles from a tall building or crane. Houdini would then make his escape in full view of the assembled crowd. In many cases, Houdini would draw thousands of onlookers who would choke the street and bring city traffic to a halt. Houdini would sometimes ensure press coverage by performing the escape from the office building of a local newspaper. In New York City, Houdini performed the suspended straitjacket escape from a crane being used to build the New York subway. Film footage of Houdini performing the escape in Dayton, Ohio, exists in The Library of Congress.
Pioneer aviator
In 1909, Houdini become fascinated with aviation. That same year, he purchased a French Voisin biplane for $5000 and hired a full-time mechanic, Antonio Brassac. Houdini painted his name in bold block letters on the Voisin's sidepanels and tail. After crashing once, Houdini made his first successful flight on November 26 in Hamburg, Germany.
In 1910, Houdini toured Australia. He brought with him his Voisin biplane and had the distinction of achieving the first controlled powered flight over Australia, doing so on March 21 at Diggers Rest, Victoria, just north of Melbourne. [2]. Colin Defries preceded him, but he crashed the plane on landing. [3]. Houdini proudly claimed to reporters that, while the world may forget about him as a magician and escape artist, it would never forget Houdini the pioneer aviator.
After his Australia tour, Houdini put the Voisin into storage in England. Although he announced he would use it to fly from city to city during his next Music Hall tour, Houdini never flew again.[9]
Movie career
"The Houdini Serial", 1919
Houdini made his first movie for Pathé in 1901. Titled Merveilleux Exploits du Célébre Houdini à Paris, it featured a loose narrative meant to showcase several of Houdini's famous escapes, including his straitjacket escape. Houdini returned to film in 1916 when he served as special-effects consultant on the Pathé thriller, The Mysteries of Myra. That same year, he got an offer to star as Captain Nemo in a silent version of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, but the project never made it into production.[10]
In 1918, Houdini signed a contract with film producerB.A. Rolfe to star in a 15-part serial, The Master Mystery (released in January 1919). As was common at the time, the film serial was released simultaneously with a novel. Financial difficulties resulted in B.A. Rolfe Productions going out of business, but The Master Mystery was a box-office success and lead to Houdini being signed by Famous Players-Lasky Corporation/Paramount Pictures, for whom he made two pictures, The Grim Game (1919) and Terror Island (1920). While filming an aerial stunt for The Grim Game, two bi-planes collided in mid-air with a stuntman doubling Houdini dangling by a rope from one of the planes. Publicity was geared heavily toward promoting this dramatic "caught on film" moment, claiming it was Houdini himself dangling from the plane. While filming these movies in Los Angeles, Houdini rented a home in Laurel Canyon.
Following his two-picture stint in Hollywood, Houdini returned to New York and started his own film production company called the "Houdini Picture Corporation." He produced and starred in two films, The Man From Beyond (1921) and Haldane of the Secret Service (1923). He also started up his own film laboratory business called The Film Development Corporation (FDC), gambling on a new process for developing motion picture film. Houdini’s brother, Hardeen, left his own career as a magician and escape artist to run the company. Magician Harry Kellar was a major investor.[11]
Neither Houdini's acting career nor FDC found success, and he gave up on the movie business in 1923, complaining that "the profits are too meager.” But his celebrity was such that, years later, he would be given a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame (at 7001 Hollywood Blvd).
Of all Houdini's movies, only The Man From Beyond has been commercially released on DVD. Incomplete versions of The Master Mystery and Terror Island were released by private collectors on VHS. Complete 35 mm prints of Haldane of the Secret Service and The Grim Game exist only in private collections. Haldane of the Secret Service was screened in Los Angeles in 2007.[12]
Debunking spiritualists
In the 1920s, after the death of his beloved mother, Cecilia, he turned his energies toward debunking self-proclaimed psychics and mediums, a pursuit that would inspire and be followed by later-day conjurers Milbourne Christopher, James Randi, Martin Gardner, P.C. Sorcar, and Penn and Teller. Houdini's magical training allowed him to expose frauds who had successfully fooled many scientists and academics. He was a member of a Scientific American committee, which offered a cash prize to any medium who could successfully demonstrate supernatural abilities. Thanks to the contributions and skepticism of Houdini and three others (there were five in the committee), the prize was never collected. As his fame as a "ghostbuster" grew, Houdini took to attending séances in disguise, accompanied by a reporter and police officer. Possibly the most famous medium whom he debunked was the Boston medium Mina Crandon, also known as "Margery." Houdini chronicled his debunking exploits in his book, A Magician Among the Spirits.
Houdini demonstrates how a photographer could produce fraudulent "spirit photographs" that documented the apparition and social interaction of deceased individuals.[13]
These activities cost Houdini the friendship of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of Sherlock Holmes. Doyle, a firm believer in spiritualism during his later years, refused to believe any of Houdini's exposés. Doyle actually came to believe that Houdini was a powerful spiritualist medium, had performed many of his stunts by means of paranormal abilities, and was using these abilities to block those of other mediums that he was 'debunking' (see Doyle's The Edge of The Unknown, published in 1931, after Houdini's death). This disagreement led to the two men becoming public antagonists. Gabriel Brownstein has written a fictionalized account of the meetings of Houdini, Doyle, and Margery in The Man from Beyond: A Novel (2005).
The book The Secret Life of Houdini has an account of Doyle's involvement with the camp of "Margery" and presents personal letters showing that Doyle and Mina's husband strongly believed that revenging spirits (not persons) would soon kill Houdini for hiding the "truth." The book further proposes Doyle's campaign to hijack Houdini's legacy when a Spiritualist minister friend of Doyle, Rev. Arthur Ford[14], conspired with him to bring messages from Houdini and his mother back from the grave in séances, including one on the roof of the Knickerbocker Hotel, that would further the Spiritualist's agenda. According to the book, Houdini's wife felt so depressed that she actually tried to commit suicide on the eve of the séance. There is no mention of the fact that, twelve days after the séance, Bess Houdini wrote a moving letter to Walter Winchell, the columnist, that was published in the Graphic, denying the words she received from her deceased husband were given to Ford by herself, denying the charge Bess and Ford had conspired together to perform a publicity stunt to further their careers in the entertainment industry. She trusted Ford's reading.[15][16] Neither is there any mention of the fact that the Houdini code was already widely known by the public months before the séance. (See Arthur Ford)
Houdini and his wife Bess
The most widespread account is that Houdini's ruptured appendix was caused by multiple blows to his abdomen from a McGill University student, J. Gordon Whitehead, in Montreal on October 22. The eyewitnesses to this event were two McGill University students named Jacques Price and Sam Smilovitz (sometimes called Jack Price and Sam Smiley). Their accounts generally agreed. The following is according to Price's description of events. Houdini was reclining on his couch after his performance, having an art student sketch him. When Whitehead came in and asked if it was true that Houdini could take any blow to the stomach, Houdini replied in the affirmative. In this instance, he was hit three times, before Houdini protested. Whitehead reportedly continued hitting Houdini several times afterwards, and Houdini acted as though he were in some pain. Price recounted that Houdini stated that if he had had time to prepare himself properly, he would have been in a better position to take the blows. After taking statements from Price and Smilovitz, Houdini's insurance company concluded that the death was due to the dressing-room incident and paid double indemnity.[17]
Despite this, modern medical knowledge gives no reason to believe Houdini's acute appendicitis was caused by any physical trauma. McGill University's archive supported this idea:[citation needed]
It appears that Whitehead's punch to Houdini's stomach, while not fatal, aggravated an existing, but still undetected, case of appendicitis. Although in serious pain, Houdini nonetheless continued to travel without seeking medical attention.
Harry had apparently been suffering from appendicitis for several days and refusing medical treatment. His appendix would likely have burst on its own without the trauma.[19]
Some people have suggested the possibility that Houdini died of poisoning. Houdini attempted to debunk the work of a group of psychics known as the 'Spiritualists', and members of this group, such as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, were clearly at odds with him in the later part of his life. There is evidence suggesting that one or more supporters of the Spiritualists murdered Houdini, possibly by poisoning his food with arsenic or another deadly substance. In 2007, some of Houdini's descendants and several notable forensic pathologists tried to gain permission to exhume Houdini's remains and search for evidence of poisoning. Dr. Michael Baden, who chaired panels re-investigating the deaths of President John F. Kennedy and civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., pointed out an oddity in Houdini's death certificate: It noted that his appendix was on the left side, rather than the right.[20]
Houdini's funeral was held on November 4, 1926, in New York, with more than 2,000 mourners in attendance. He was interred in the Machpelah Cemetery in Queens, New York, with the crest of the Society of American Magicians inscribed on his grave site. To this day, the Society holds its "Broken Wand" ceremony at the grave site on the anniversary of his death. Houdini's wife, Bess, died in February 1943 and was not permitted to be interred with him at Machpelah Cemetery because she was a gentile. Bess Houdini is interred at Gate of Heaven Cemetery in Hawthorne, New York.
In Houdini's will, his vast library was offered to the American Society for Psychical Research on the condition that research officer and editor of the ASPR Journal, J. Malcolm Bird, resign. Bird refused and the collection went instead to the Library of Congress.
Fearing that spiritualists would exploit his legacy by pretending to contact him after his death, Houdini left his wife a secret code—ten words chosen at random from a letter written by Doyle—that he would use to contact her from the afterlife.[21] According to "The Secret Life of Houdini," this fear of the spiritualists was well-founded: Arthur Conan Doyle's campaign to hijack Houdini's legacy came to a head when a Spiritualist minister friend of Doyle, Rev. Arthur Ford[22], conspired with him to bring alleged messages from Houdini and his mother back from the grave in séances, including a highly publicized one on the roof of the Knickerbocker Hotel. "The Secret Life of Houdini" alleges that Bess Houdini was seduced by Ford in order to further the Spiritualist agenda and that Bess may have conspired to assist Ford in creating the impression he had contacted Houdini's spirit. The book also states that Houdini's wife felt so depressed that she actually tried to commit suicide on the eve of the Knickerbocker séance.
At the séance, Ford claimed to have contacted both Houdini and his deceased mother via Ford's spirit guide "Fletcher", and stated that the message received was in the pre-arranged code worked out by Houdini and Bess before Houdini's death. A brief letter supposedly signed by Bess Houdini appeared, which read in full: "Regardless of any statements made to the contrary, I wish to declare that the message, in its entirety, and in the agreed upon sequence, given to me by Arthur Ford, is the correct message pre-arranged between Mr. Houdini and myself." On January 10, 1929, New York Graphic reporter Rea Jaure filed a story entitled "Houdini Message a Big Hoax!" stating that Ford had confessed in an interview to having paid Bess Houdini for her cooperation, but Ford later claimed the interviewee was an imposter. Further muddying the waters were Bess Houdini's conflicting statements about the success of Ford's experiments; she is alleged to have written an impassioned letter to the famed columnist Walter Winchell initially defending Ford, and a New York Times article from January 15, 1929 has her responding to rumors that the code had been "leaked" in advance by stating that, "No one but her husband and herself could possibly have known the details of the code. Neither overtly nor covertly could it have been gleaned... To this argument she clung." But by March 18,1930, both the New York Times and Bess Houdini had modifed their stance. "Numerous attempts to convince Mrs. Houdini that her husband is communicating through a medium were made," the Times said, "but she steadfastly denied that any of the mediums presented the clue by which she was to recognize a legitimate message."
Bess Houdini held yearly séances on Halloween for ten years after Houdini's death, but Houdini never appeared. In 1936, after a last unsuccessful séance on the roof of the Knickerbocker Hotel, she put out the candle that she had kept burning beside a photograph of Houdini since his death, later (1943) saying, "ten years is long enough to wait for any man." The tradition of holding a séance for Houdini continues by magicians throughout the world to this day and is currently organized by Sidney H. Radner[4] and others, including Dorothy Dietrich[5] at the Houdini Museum in Scranton, Pennsylvania.
Appearance and voice
Unlike the image of the classic magician, Houdini was short and stocky and typically appeared on stage in a long frock coat and tie. Most biographers peg his height as 5'5", but descriptions vary. Houdini was also said to be slightly bow-legged, which aided in his ability to gain slack during his rope escapes. In the 1996 biography Houdini!!!: The Career of Ehrich Weiss, author Kenneth Silverman summarizes how reporters described Houdini's appearance during his early career:
They stressed his smallness – "somewhat undersized" – and angular, vivid features: "He is smooth-shaven with a keen, sharp-chinned, sharp-cheekboned face, bright blue eyes and thick, curly, black hair." Some sensed how much his complexly expressive smile was the outlet of his charismatic stage presence. It communicated to audiences at once warm amiability, pleasure in performing, and, more subtly, imperious self-assurance. Several reporters tried to capture the charming effect, describing him as "happy-looking", "pleasant-faced", "good natured at all times", "the young Hungarian magician with the pleasant smile and easy confidence."[23]
The only known recording of Houdini's voice reveals it to be heavily accented. Houdini made these recordings on Edison wax cylinders on October 24, 1914, in Flatbush, New York. On them, Houdini practices several different introductory speeches for his famous Chinese Water Torture Cell. He also invites his sister, Gladys, to recite a poem. Houdini then recites the same poem in German. The six wax cylinders were discovered in the collection of magician John Mulholland after his death in 1970.[24] They are currently part of the David Copperfield collection.
Houdini's brother, Theodore Hardeen, who returned to performing after Houdini's death, inherited his brother's effects and props. Houdini's will stipulated that all the effects should be "burned and destroyed" upon Hardeen's death. But Hardeen sold much of the collection to magician and Houdini enthusiast Sidney H. Radner during the 1940s, including the Water Torture Cell. [25] Radner allowed choice pieces of the collection to be displayed at The Houdini Magical Hall of Fame in Niagara Falls, Canada. In 1995, a fire destroyed the museum and its contents. While the Water Torture Cell was reported to have been destroyed, its metal frame remained, and the cell was restored by illusion builder John Gaughan.[26]
Radner archived the bulk of his collection at the Houdini Museum in Appleton Wisconsin, but pulled it in 2003 and auctioned it off in Las Vegas on October 30, 2004. Many of the choice props, including the restored Water Torture Cell, are now owned by David Copperfield
Istilah close-up magic sering digunakan untuk menggambarkan tipe pertunjukan sulap yang ditampilkan untuk sekelompok kecil orang. Dibandingkan dengan perkembangan seni sulap sendiri, close-up magic merupakan cabang yang baru, yang langsung memperoleh kepopuleran dengan banyaknya permintaan untuk dimainkan pada acara2 pesta, banquet, maupun event2 corporate.
Close-up magic menjadi popular dikalangan magician dikarenakan tidak dibutuhkannya property2 yang besar dan mahal serta panggung dengan lighting khusus. Keindahan seni ini dapat dipertunjukan dimana saja dan dengan objek/barang sehari hari.
Nate Leipzig (1873-1939) magician kelahiran Swedia yang kemudian pindah ke Amerika dan menjadi seorang ahli close-u magic yang disegani disana. Salah satu tricknya yang terbaik dan dikenal orang adalah merobek kertas rokok dan membuatnya kembali utuh dengan cara yang sangat magical. Trick dan efeknya masih dimainkan hingga saat ini dan tetap popular.
Nate Leipzig
The Great Max Malini (1873-1942) Pesulap keturunan Austria yang hijrah ke Amerika pada masa mudanya, dimana dia menjadi pesulap yang menakjubkan. Dia juga mendapat bayaran yang tinggi untuk pertunjukan2 besarnya dan menjadi terkenal keseluruh dunia pada th 1920an ketika dia banyak mengadakan pertunjukan buat Raja2 dan Kepala2 Negara. Trick2nya yang mengherankan masih dibaicarakan hingga kini, Khususnya Dinner table magic.
The Great Max Malini
Fred Kaps (1926-1980) Pesulap Belanda yang sangat mengagumkan, yang terkenal diantara kumpulan pesulap di th 1950an. Dia merupakan panutan bagi pesulap jaman kini – kemampuan dan gayanya sangat sempurna. Cara dia memperlakukan penonton sangatlah memukau sebaik dia mempertunjukan trick2 close-upnya yang sangat ajaib. Kaps juga dikenal sebagai pesulap yang memiliki sense of humour yang tinggi. Kemampuan sleight of hand yang dimilikinya telah dinikmati oleh jutaan orang di dunia.
Dai Vernon (1894-1992) Pesulap Canada, terkenal dengan cara membawakan trick cups and balls secara khas miliknya. Dikalangannya dia dijuluki dengan panggilan Professor. Dia dianggap sebagai ahlisulap yang absolut. Banyak yang menganggap bahwa close-up magic jaman sekarang tak akan ada tanpa pesulap yang sangat berbakat ini.
Dai Vernon
Pada masa kini bidang close-up magicsemakin maju dengan tokoh tokohnya seperti Eugene burger, Paul harris, Juan Tamariz, Michael Close, Guy Hollingworth, Lenart Green, Daryl Martinez, David Williamson, Michael Ammar, Tommy Wonder, Ricky Jay, John Carney, Harry Lorayne, dan masih banyak lagi pesulap2 hebat lainnya.
Kapanlagi.com - Ilusionis David Copperfield mungkin telah kehilangan 'daya magis'-nya. Sebuah kabar menyebutkan bahwa ia telah dituntut karena membatalkan jadwal tur di Asia Tenggara secara mendadak.
David menggagalkan acara tersebut karena ia kini tengah menjadi incaran FBI atas tuduhan pemerkosaan.
Para agen FBI dikabarkan telah menyita seperangkat komputer dalam sebuah penggerebekan di gudang milik David di Las Vegas pada minggu lalu.
Pria berusia 51 tahun itu sedianya akan tampil di Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia dan Singapura, namun semua jadwal acaranya tersebut dibatalkan.
Dan kini, pihak promotor di Viva Art International Limited dan MAZ Concerts Inc. telah melayangkan tuntutan hukum ke Pengadilan Tinggi di Los Angeles atas pembatalan beberapa kontrak acara tersebut.
Pihak Viva dan MAZ telah meminta untuk dikembalikannya jutaan dolar yang telah dibayarkan melalui rekening pihak ketiga untuk penampilan David di Asia Tenggara itu.
Saat dimintai konfirmasi, David menolak untuk menyebutkan nilai kontrak tersebut.
Kini, David tengah dalam tengah menjalani serangkaian penyelidikan di Seattle atas tuduhan pelecehan seksual atas seorang wanita yang tak diketahui namanya, di Kepulauan Bahama.
Jakarta, Kompas - Dua peti kemas berisi perlengkapan pertunjukan ilusionis David Copperfield ditahan di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok, Jakarta. Status kedua peti kemas berkapasitas 40 feet itu berada dalam pengawasan Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai, sambil menunggu pengurusan dokumen reekspor.
Kepala Bidang Penindakan dan Penyidikan Kantor Pelayanan Utama BC Tipe A Tanjung Priok Heru Sulastyono, di sela-sela pengecekan arus barang ekspor dan impor, Rabu (24/10), mengatakan, dua kontainer itu berada dalam pengawasan BC karena untuk reekspor harus diketahui siapa pemilik barang itu.
"Dalam hal ini promotor pertunjukan di Indonesialah yang sebenarnya memiliki hak untuk memiliki dan mengekspor kembali kontainer itu," ujar Heru.
Tentunya, promotor itu tidak mau begitu saja kehilangan uang dan sekaligus kehilangan perlengkapan pertunjukan, apalagi mereka sudah membayar kepada manajemen Copperfield sekitar 1 juta dollar AS.
Kehilangan ratusan juta
Promotor dipastikan meminta kembali uang jaminan undangan pertunjukan itu, apalagi mereka sudah kehilangan ratusan juta rupiah untuk mempersiapkan penampilan ilusionis legendaris itu. Semula pertunjukan sulap David Copperfield direncanakan digelar di Jakarta pada 23-28 Oktober 2007, tetapi pertunjukan akhirnya gagal karena Copperfield tersandung masalah hukum di negaranya.
Copperfield diburu agen-agen FBI lantaran ada gugatan yang diajukan oleh seorang wanita dari Seattle, Amerika Serikat. Copperfield dituduh melakukan pelecehan seksual terhadap wanita itu di Bahama, awal tahun ini.
Walaupun pihak Copperfield berupaya mengurus sendiri reekspor kedua kontainer itu, BC tetap membutuhkan dokumen delivery order (DO) yang kini berada di tangan promotor.
Dua kontainer itu diangkut dengan menggunakan kapal Sinar Bali dari Los Angeles. Kapal tiba di Jakarta pada 17 Oktober dan posisi manifesnya berada di PT Mustika Alam Lestari.
Kepala Kantor Pelayanan Utama BC Tipe A Tanjung Priok Agung Kuswandono menjelaskan, "Prinsipnya, barang yang diawasi BC tetap bisa diurus. Jika dokumen reekspor tidak diurus dalam 30 hari, status kontainer menjadi barang yang tidak dikuasai. Lalu, kedua kontainer itu akan dipindahkan ke gudang penimbunan."
Lalu, jika dalam 60 hari juga tidak diurus dokumennya, status kontainer akan berubah menjadi barang yang dikuasai negara.
Namun, jika dokumen tidak diurus lagi sampai batas waktu 90 hari, status kontainer berubah lagi menjadi barang milik negara yang kewenangannya berada di tangan Menteri Keuangan.